Do you have an interesting perspective on printmaking that you would like to share with our community? Then please consider writing an article and submitting it for publication!   

All articles on printmaking, printmaking exhibitions or printmakers are welcome.  You do not need to be a LAPS member to submit.  

The blog is in addition to our monthly newsletter. Its purpose is to provide more in-depth articles on printmaking, reviews of printmaking exhibitions in Los Angeles, across the country and even an international perspective.

Please submit articles between 1,000 – 2,500 words. For each article, we would like a minimum of 4 – 6 photos. Images should be 953 pixels wide by 690 pixels tall. Only one image needs to be horizontal. More details are available upon request.  Please include the authors name in the article and contact information if you would like our readers to contact you with questions (about a technique for example).

Please submit articles, images or any questions to:
Cathie Crawford
[email protected]